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How do I transfer a gun from an online store to SheepDog Tactical, LLC?SheepDog Tactical, LLC has a Federal Firearms License (FFL) with many popular online firearms retailers. If you don't see our listing on your retailer's website, please notify us and we will send them a copy of our FFL license so you can receive your firearm through us. We perform the legally required transfer services for you to receive your online purchased firearms. Ordering a Firearm Online: Purchase your firearm from the online retailer of your choice At checkout, select "SheepDog Tactical, LLC" as your FFL (If we are not in their FFL directory, complete the purchase, notify us of the order number and send the contact information to us so we can forward a copy of our FFL to complete your order) Contact us at or 386-208-9502 for any questions At pick up time, go through the criminal background check and complete the BATF Form 4473 FEES: $25 per transfer for all handguns and long guns. If transferring multiple firearms on same day, it will be $25 for the first firearm and $15 for each additional firearms transferred. **All transferees MUST complete a criminal background check to receive your firearms. All transferees MUST complete the BATF form 4473 at time of pick up. * All transfers are done by appointment ONLY.
How do I buy a gun online for local pick up?1. Add your gun to the shopping cart 2. Enter "SheepDog Tactical, LLC" as the preferred FFL 3. Click add to cart 4. Proceed to checkout 5. At pick up time, go through the criminal background check and complete the BATF Form 4473
How Do I Get My Concealed Carry Weapon License?Take a copy of the USCCA Basic Handgun certificate along with your state issued driver's license or identification card and make an appointment at one of the Tax Collectors Offices that is participating in the processing of the Concealed Weapons Licenses. Every County in the State of Florida is required to process applications but only designated locations in each county can process it. Since this is a state license, you can process your application in any county and at any participating location.
Who May take the Class?Anyone may take the class including those who reside in other states and foreign nationals. Students under the age of 21 (as young as 13) can take the class provided they meet certain requirements. Call us for details. To apply for your State of Florida Concealed Weapons License, the basic requirements are that you must be at least 21, a permanent U.S. resident, and pass the State of Florida background check.
Can I take the Class if I've Never Fired a Gun?Yes, new shooters don't usually have bad habits. The Concealed Carry Course covers safety, shooting fundamentals, and the operation of the handgun. Once you complete the course, you will leave with knowledge of the basics of pistol shooting and safety. Intermediate and Advanced classes have individual requirements based on the training level.
What Should I Bring to the Class?Your driver’s license or State-Issued ID. Your pistol (if you own one) and 50 rounds of ammunition. Eye and ear protection is required on the range (eya and ear protection is provided if needed). If you already own a hand gun, please bring it to the class. If you do not own one, we will rent you a gun and sell you ammo for your CCW class. Please leave all firearms (unloaded) and ammunition un your vehicle as we won't need them until we go to the live fire range.
What States is the Florida CCW Reciprocal with?See the states that are reciprocal with Florida. This can change so be sure your information is up to date before traveling. The ultimate authority is the Florida Department of Agriculture which maintains an up to date reciprocity listing at all times. You can check the State of Florida HERE.
How Long is My CCW License Valid?The Florida Concealed Weapon License is valid for 7 years. You will be notified by the State of Florida approximately 90 days prior to the renewal date.
How Do I Renew My CCW License?Approximately 90 Days prior to the expiration of your license, you will receive a renewal form and instructions in the mail. Upon reaching your expiration date, you may no longer carry. However, the State of Florida will allow you to renew up to six months past your expiration without re-applying for your license again.
When I Get My CCW License, Should I Carry?"Having a CCW and carrying a loaded gun is a great responsibility that should not be taken lightly. Just remember, a firearm is a tool of last resort and should only be used to protect your life or the life of someone else. By carrying concealed, you have the means to protect life and take life. If you cannot accept this responsibility, you should not carry a handgun.
Is it Possible to Fail the CCW Class?Yes, you must pay attention during training and be physically capable of safely firing your gun. If you display unsafe or haphazard tendencies while handling firearms during the training, you may be asked to leave the class.
If I have a prescription for Medical Marijuana in Florida can I get my CCW?It is important to realize that although Florida has passed medical marijuana legislation legalizing the use of marijuana for some people, the Federal Government still considers marijuana a controlled substance. Should you decide to use marijuana under a lawful prescription, you should realize that you will be giving up your right to carry, own, ship, transport, receive or in anyway possess a firearm under Federal Law.

Mon - Thu: 6pm - 8pm
Sat: 9am - 2pm
Sunday: Call to Schedule
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